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COVID-19 Safety Guidelines

Check-in Process


Parents & Caretakers: Parents and caretakers should, when safe to do so, wear a
mask for drop-off and pick-up. We highly encourage that the same parent or caretaker
conduct pick-up and drop-off each day.

Drop-Off: There will be signs or members of our team directing traffic.  Please stay in the car while dropping off camper(s). 
If you have any questions or need to provide any paperwork, etc. one of our staff will come to the vehicle.

Temperature Check: We ask that families scan their children for symptoms prior to coming to camp each day.  Children presenting symptoms should remain home for the day.   Should it be necessary due to local regulations, every camper’s temperature will be taken using contact-free thermometers. Children with a temperature above 100.4 degrees will not
be permitted back to camp for the week unless documentation of a negative test result
can be provided.

Carpooling: Anyone who is in the same drop-off vehicle with someone who fails
these screenings will also be denied entry into camp that day.



Check-out Process


Check-Out: Please use a suitable parking space near the fields. Once we conclude for the day, players will be dismissed in smaller groups to your vehicles.  Please do your best to arrive no later than 12pm for half day and 3pm for full day campers.



Standard Procedures / Reminders

While attending Schaefer Baseball & Softball Summer Camp, campers should remember to follow all
recommended health and safety actions. Per the CDC, these include things like:

Hand Washing: Campers will need to wash their hands often with soap and water
for at least 20 seconds especially after handling equipment, blowing their nose,
coughing, or sneezing.

Social Distancing: It is recommended to stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arms’ length)
from other people, when possible. We will be encouraging social distancing through
increased spacing, small groups, and limited mixing between groups, and staggered
scheduling, arrival, and drop off, whenever feasible.

Cover Coughs and Sneezes: Always remember to cover your mouth and nose with
a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow. Throw used
tissues in the trash. Immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least
20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, clean your hands with a
hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

Sanitation & Cleaning Procedures

It is encourages that each player bring their own personal hand sanitizer.

Cleaning Stations: Each camp field will have a designated cleaning station with EPA
certified cleaning solutions for increased cleanup throughout the day.


On-Going Monitoring


When to Stay Home: We encourage any camper who is sick, or coming from a
household where someone is sick, to stay home.

New Developments: Our team will regularly communicate and monitor
developments with local authorities, employees, and families regarding cases,
exposures, and updates to policies and procedures.




Lunches & Snacks



Food: We do not provide meals at camp.  All players should bring their own lunch/snacks/beverages

Meal Seating: We will be providing socially distanced seating. The eating areas will
each have their own cleaning station.

Water Bottles: No communal water containers will be available during camp.

Campers are to bring their own refillable water container and we will provide bottled
water for refills.

Additional Options: Additional limited snack options may be available
for purchase.

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